June 27, 2024Victorian Journalism May 2, 2024Discovering the Writing of Alice Miller April 30, 2024The Victorian Printing Press April 22, 2024Wyllard’s Weird by Mary Elizabeth Braddon April 18, 2024Eagley Mills, Bolton April 23, 2023Arthur Conan Doyle: Letters of Finance from 1897-1899 April 19, 2023Arthur Conan Doyle: The Great Brown-Pericord Motor March 27, 2023The Lost Work of Alice Miller March 23, 2023William Harrison Ainsworth, Guy Fawkes: or, The Gunpowder Treason March 20, 2023Fred Alston: I Am a Life Member May 17, 2022Miss Nobody by Ethel Carnie May 15, 2022Walt Whitman – To Be or Not to Be a Journalist May 9, 2022Eagle Street College April 10, 2022Eva Peters of Bolton April 5, 2022Lost Opportunities: The Original Parish Church and the Phantom Avenue April 2, 2022The Lancashire Authors’ Association & James Orchard Halliwell’s Dictionary of Archaisms and Provincialisms