Pop Culture Tillotson's Fiction Bureau,Bolton Weekly WritersWyllard’s Weird by Mary Elizabeth Braddon Local Heritage,Bolton Weekly WritersEagley Mills, Bolton April 23, 2023Arthur Conan Doyle: Letters of Finance from 1897-1899 April 19, 2023Arthur Conan Doyle: The Great Brown-Pericord Motor March 27, 2023The Lost Work of Alice Miller Curator Picks University of Bolton,Local Heritage,Lancashire Authors Association CollectionWilliam Harrison Ainsworth, Guy Fawkes: or, The Gunpowder Treason Community,Local Heritage,Lancashire Authors Association CollectionFred Alston: I Am a Life Member Community,University of Bolton,Local Heritage,Lancashire Authors Association CollectionMiss Nobody by Ethel Carnie Local Heritage,Walt WhitmanWalt Whitman – To Be or Not to Be a Journalist Community,Local HeritageEagle Street College “ Art can never be silent. That is its greatest virtue and its greatest fault. It must speak immediately, while the echoes of wonder, the claims of triumph and the signs of horror are in the air. ”